Welcome to the Antilles Episcopal Conference
The Antilles Episcopal Conference (AEC) is an Assembly of Catholic Bishops referred to as a conference of bishops. In most cases such Conferences are National in their make up as the Dioceses coming together to form the Conference are from the same country or nation.
The Antilles Episcopal Conference is somewhat unique in this regard as it brings together nineteen Dioceses and two Independent Missions comprising thirteen independent countries, three overseas departments of France, six islands of the Kingdom of The Netherlands and six British overseas territories.
Languages spoken in the Conference are English, French and Dutch but there are also other languages that are native to some of the territories. It is referred to as the Antilles because most of the territories included in the Conference are from the Lesser Antilles. However, also included in the Conference are Guyana, Suriname and French Guyana on the South American Continent together with Belize in Central America.
The Conference aims at uniting the Bishops in prayerful discernment so that they can exercise together certain pastoral services for the benefit of the faithful in their territories. This is achieved through mutual sharing of views, experiences and needs, especially through forms and purposes of the apostolate adapted to our different situations.