- Utilize the Word of God to animate all pastoral life of the AEC region
- To recognize the Eucharist as communion
- The evangelization of the family and structures; using the model of Integral Human Development as a paradigm
About Us!
Our Aim!
Our Vision!
Our Objectives
It is the responsibility of the Bishops of the different territories to promote within the Caribbean both Christ Himself and the redemption He brings to its people.
From our blog
AEC takes on the Jubilee World of Communications!
Upcoming Events

Kingston, Jamaica – 20th – 27th July, 2025

Rome, Italy – 24th Dec, 2024 – 14th Dec, 2025

Kingston, Jamaica – 11th – 16th May, 2025
How we work
The Executive
The Executive Board of the Conference meet on a monthly basis to address major issues concerning the Region. The Executive is made up of Archbishop Charles Jason Gordon (President), Bishop John Persaud (Vice President), Bishop Robert Llanos (Treasurer)
The Antilles Episcopal Conference will carry out its mandate through several Commissions. Each Commission will be chaired by a Bishop who is duly elected at an APM. Other members of the Commission will be chosen from bishops, priests, religious sisters, and lay persons with expertise in the particular area of responsibility of the Commission.
Episcopal Liaison Offices
These organizations which receive a Bishop, who has been duly elected at an Annual Plenary Meeting, for the purposes of maintaining close collaboration between the organization and the AEC as well as for assisting the organization to achieve its goals.
The Secretariat
The office of the Secretariat will provide official notices and other timely communications, both with members and other ecclesiastical individuals and agencies.
The President
Vice President
General Secretary
Statements and Pastoral Letters
Antilles Episcopal Conference
We are an assembly of bishops uniting in prayerful discernment and exercising together certain pastoral services for the benefit of the Christian faithful in their territories!