Resources on Synodality

Advent in this Kairos moment of synod

Q: Archbishop J, what do you hope for this Advent? I hope every Catholic would use this wonderful Advent season to engage their faith more deeply and benefit from the…

Bishop Francis Pastoral Letter: Continuing the Synodal Journey

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Synodality – Spirituality and Conversion

Having worked in parish ministry, I conclude that the deficiency in human formation, especially regarding relationship building, contributes significantly to the anaemic growth and development of parish life, as well…

Synodality – Call for Caution

As I measure the pulse of the synodal journey throughout the Antilles Episcopal Conference’s geographic region, I sense grave anxiety and urgency to shift into implementation gear. Based on the…

Where are we, on the synodal journey?

The synodal journey was launched by Pope Francis on October 10, 2021. The journey consists of the diocesan and continental phases, climaxing with the meeting of bishops in October 2023.…

Synod and Catechesis

The spirit and guidelines of the Synodal journey (2021–2023) is without doubt a gift to all, including catechists – teachers or formators of the faith. Located on one end of…

Synodality and Lent

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Caribbean dioceses share on Synod progress

Synodality: Conversation and Evangelization

The Coronavirus pandemic has severely occasioned the diminishing participation in church life and attendance. Similar to the education system losing some students with the advent of online classes, the Church…

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