There has been a buzz about the upcoming Mission Congress hosted in Trinidad and Tobago on September 17 – September 22. We thought of some questions you might want answered!
- Who is the AEC?
The Antilles Episcopal Conference of Bishops is an assembly of Bishops located within the Caribbean that faithfully serve the peoples of their Arch/Diocese in a manner which proclaims the truth of the Gospel. Nineteen territories make up the AEC and there is a total of 19 Bishops. The Assembly allows Bishops to work together to help and support each member of the conference in his mandate to build the Kingdom of God. Visit to learn more about our bishops of the Antilles.
- Why an AEC Mission Congress?
Our Holy Father, Pope Francis, is calling for an extraordinary Mission month in October 2019. The AEC Bishops wanted to respond to this request by hosting the first ever Congress in the AEC region with the desire to call the whole Church to mission.
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