The St Martin de Porres community at Gordon Town had double reason to celebrate Sunday, September 29 when Archbishop Kenneth Richards of Kingston celebrated Mass on his 39th anniversary of priestly ordination and conferred the Sacrament of Confirmation on four young parishioners.
The four candidates, according to Catholic Opinion Online, a publication of the Archdiocese of Kingston and the Dioceses of Montego Bay, and Mandeville, all participate actively as altar servers or choir members.
“An interesting moment” in the Mass was the recognition of Archbishop Richards’ anniversary as a priest, when Fr Roger Graham invited one of the candidates, Dwemari Dunn, to give the blessing to Archbishop while the other three newly confirmed members laid their hands on him as he knelt for the blessing and the sprinkling of holy water.
In his homily, Archbishop Richards encouraged the synodality principles of communion, participation and mission. He argued for regulating use of digital devices and a conscious use of them for spiritual growth through accessing the scriptures and other spiritual sites.
“His Grace warned of how easy it was to undermine our faith through self-indulgence and own way. We could overcome these challenges both with humility, the lack of which could be an obstacle to life in the spirit, and also with contrition, using the Sacrament of Reconciliation,” the report said.
He encouraged everyone to use their talents to bear fruit for the glory of God and benefit of others. Archbishop Richards challenged all to seek to discern God’s will for all and act with consistency as witnesses to their faith by their lives.
Touching on ongoing national issues, Archbishop Richards urged a support for the Integrity Commission and for Jamaicans to display their Christian duty to defend justice, integrity and transparency across the board in all areas of national and personal life.
“We should not be afraid to combat corruption. This would be consistent with giving witness to our faith,” the Archbishop said.